The PBIS World Book


The student may:

  • Verbally or physically harass others, causing them to report incidents to adult
  • Engage in bullying activity, intimidation, threats
  • Be observed hitting, kicking, and repeatedly pushing others
  • Demonstrate Intense anger
  • Frequently lose temper or have blow-ups
  • Extreme irritability
  • Extreme impulsiveness
  • Become easily frustrated
  • Hurt or interact roughly with others during play, recess, or free time
  • Name call
  • Instigate and be involved in frequent conflicts, arguments, and fights
  • Value being seen as tough and one to be feared or avoided
  • Frequently be told on for conflicts, hurting others, etc, and deny any part
  • Not demonstrate guilt, remorse, or concern for others’ safety and well-being
  • Demonstrate relational aggression by starting rumors, positioning peers against one another, being mean to peers, blaming things on others, turning peer groups against an individual, etc
  • demonstrate threatening body language, like puffing up chest, clenching fists, and flinching at others
  • Have no regard for rules, discipline, or authority
  • Lack fear of getting hurt, fighting, getting punched, or hit
  • Engage in frequent fights and conflicts in the neighborhood
  • Seem to like and want to engage in fights and conflicts